Central Azir

Dominated by the imposing capital city of Azir, this region serves as the seat of the Cthonic Queen’s rule, where her influence permeates every aspect of life. The landscape of Central Azir is both beautiful and foreboding, with verdant forests, rolling hills, and dark, brooding mountains that seem to pulse with a life of their own. The air is thick with magic, and the very ground hums with the arcane energy that has shaped the kingdom for centuries.

The capital city, also named Azir, is a marvel of architecture and magical engineering. It is a sprawling metropolis, with towering spires, intricately carved stone buildings, and streets that seem to shift and change according to the whims of the city’s rulers. The city is divided into several districts, each dedicated to a different aspect of life in the kingdom—magic, trade, governance, and worship. The central palace, where the Queen resides, is a place of both awe and dread, a dark and elegant fortress from which she exerts her unyielding control over the kingdom.

The people of Central Azir are as enigmatic as their homeland. They are deeply religious, with the worship of ancient and often dark deities playing a central role in their lives. The Queen herself is seen as a living god, and her rule is considered divinely ordained. The citizens are known for their discipline and loyalty, traits instilled in them from a young age through rigorous training in both combat and the arcane arts. Many aspire to serve the queen directly, whether as part of her elite guard, the Obsidian Order, or as powerful mages in the kingdom’s vast magical academies.

Magic in Central Azir is not just a tool but a way of life. The region’s mages are among the most powerful in the world, drawing upon ancient rites and dark pacts to fuel their spells. The study of necromancy, blood magic, and other forbidden arts is not only accepted but encouraged, as long as it is done in service to the kingdom and the Queen. This has led to the region being both feared and respected by outsiders, who view Central Azir as a place of great danger and untold power.

Despite its dark reputation, Central Azir is also a place of incredible beauty and cultural richness. The arts flourish here, with music, dance, and literature all infused with the same mystical energy that drives the region’s magic. Festivals and rituals are common, often centered around the phases of the moon or other celestial events, during which the boundaries between the mortal world and the realms beyond grow thin. These celebrations are both joyous and terrifying, as they often involve summoning and communing with beings from other planes of existence.

Climate & Terrain: Varies, mostly mild winters and hot summers. Mountainous steppes, and dry plains.
Capital City: Azir
Major Cities: Khafar, Malavand, Myrenthis
Population: 25,000,000
Type of Government: Theocracy
Current Ruler(s): Queen Vafrah
Main Industries: Arcane Crafting, Agriculture
Key Exports: Silk, Wands, Enchanted Items, Silver, Gold
Key Imports: Olive Oil, Wheat, Iron, Wooden Crafts
Religion: Thulous, Ky’Luna, different cults to the Bharegu
Size of Armed Forces: 210,000 Infantry, 10,000 Mages of different power.
Key Military Commanders: General Malcor Valen:
Allies: Multiple Vassal States, now under Azir’s control
Rivals/Enemies: The Iron Empire, Sloda Kingdom
Neutral Stances: Xecar
Holidays & Festivals: The Queen’s Ascension, Night of the Veil


Named after the old elven phrase Land Of Magic, Esmana has a rich history spanning back centuries. Being a coastal country, trade across the water to the neighboring countries of Xecar & Hectaria is paramount to the country’s livelihood. Fishing is vital, with many coastline cities such as Free Haven relying on enormous Salmon, caught in the Bottomless Bay, as a core part of their diet. Many still tell of the once-ruling family of elven monarchs 500 years ago, before being conquered by Azir.

Esmana’s population numbers roughly One Million varied individuals. Humans make up the bulk of its population, with Elves, mainly Aquins and Half-Elves, also making up a sizable amount. Newcomers are always welcome in the country, despite the current political turmoil.

Climate & Terrain: Four seasons, cold snowy winters, mountainous with deciduous forests.
Capital City: Mythwater
Major Cities: Free Haven, Blackshire
Population: ~1,500,000
Type of Government: Disputed
Current Ruler(s): Disputed
Main Industries: Agriculture, Crafting, Fishing
Key Exports: Hemp, Hops, Honey, Leather Goods, Timber
Key Imports: Silver, Iron, Silk, Glass
Religion: Sygil, Ryva, Meena, Elaris
Size of Armed Forces: 1,500 Militia, 25 Calvary, 1 Battle Mage
Key Military Commanders: Mayor Jannis
Allies: Iron Empire
Rivals/Enemies: Sloda Kingdom, Azir
Neutral Stances: Xecar
Holidays & Festivals: Midwinter Feast, Cider Day, The Great Hunt, Night of the Witches


Nestled in the most northwestern corner of the world is the expansive rugged territory known as the Freelands. Known for its great plains and frozen mountains, the Freelands have been home to numerous nomadic tribes and mighty warriors of legend. Those who hail from the Freelands are of tougher stock than the rest of Ferrum, as the weak do not often last long. There are still tales of sightings of Giants across the northern mountain border, beyond which few dare travel.

Climate & Terrain: Cold tundras, short summers. Open plains between deciduous forests.
Capital City: None
Major Cities: Coldwater, Baytown
Population: 12,000,000
Type of Government: None
Current Ruler(s): Disputed
Main Industries: Husbandry
Key Exports: None
Key Imports: Ale, Mead, Medicinal Herbs
Religion: Baarus, Koros, Sygil
Size of Armed Forces: Unknown
Key Military Commanders: The Grey King
Allies: None
Rivals/Enemies: Dhol Ur Fol, Uflar
Neutral Stances: Clacia, Dasnos, Bubrad
Holidays & Festivals: Various unnamed festivals.


The seat of Imperial Power in the Iron Empire, Hadria is the grandest and most influential country in the region. The country is renowned for its grand architecture, from the towering marble columns of the Imperial Senate to the sprawling villas of the Patrician class. The cities’ streets are lined with statues of past emperors, generals, and philosophers. Hadria is the nerve center of the Iron Empire's republican government. The Imperial Senate, composed of representatives from across the empire, debates and decides on matters of law, war, and trade. Despite the outward appearances of strength and unity, there are always risks of violence both from quelled uprisings of the lower classes from within, and invasions of orcs from the south, who seek to conquer the empire.

Climate & Terrain: Mediterranean-like, with hot, dry summers and mild, wet winters.
Capital City: Hadria
Major Cities: Helius, Valeria
Population: 5,000,000
Type of Government: Republic
Current Ruler(s): Emperor Tomir Aumn, Senator Lucia Fabius Maxima
Main Industries: Ship Building, Agriculture, Trade
Key Exports: Fine Wines, Olive Oil, Marble and Stonework, Weapons and Armor, Pottery
Key Imports: Spices, Silk, Exotic Animals and Foods, Precious Metals and Gemstones, Arcane Components
Religion: Baarus, Typhenus, Sygil
Size of Armed Forces: 200,000 Infantry in 20 Legions
Key Military Commanders:General Marcus Tiberius Varro, Admiral Aelia Drusus, Centurion Quintus Albinus
Allies: All neighboring countries under the Iron Empire
Rivals/Enemies: Azir, Sloda Kingdom
Neutral Stances: Xecar, Freelands, Naku
Holidays & Festivals: Day of the Harvest, Founders’ Day, Festival of the Golden Leaves, Day of Champions


Once an independent and fiercely proud nation, Hectaria became a loyal province of the Iron Empire over two centuries ago. The Iron Empire’s influence is evident in every aspect of Hectarian life, from its grand architecture to the disciplined legions that patrol its borders. Situated just across a narrow channel from Esmana, Hectaria is strategically important, controlling access to the Bottomless Bay and serving as a key maritime hub within the Empire.

Hectaria’s coastal cities, such as Ironclad and Portus Vectis, thrive on trade, with their harbors bustling with ships from across the Empire. The fertile plains and rolling hills of the countryside are dotted with villas and estates owned by wealthy imperial citizens, where poor servants work the land to produce crops that feed not only Hectaria but also the heart of the Empire.

With a population of around 2,800,000, Hectaria is a melting pot of cultures. While humans dominate, there is a notable presence of Dwarves, who are valued for their skills in mining and metalwork. The Elves, although fewer in number, are often found in positions of influence, having integrated themselves into the higher echelons of Hectarian society. Despite its deep integration into the Iron Empire, Hectaria retains a sense of its ancient traditions, with local festivals and rituals that predate imperial rule still celebrated with fervor.

Culturally, there is an interesting phenomenon between the population of Dwarves and Humans, with each intermingling with the other, the different genders seem to try to emulate certain aspects of the other, vying for romantic attention. Gymnasiums are plentiful in Hectaria, as Human men work to put on muscles and grow long beards to appeal to the female dwarves, and dwarven men apply fanciful oils to their beards and wear fine clothing to look more appealing to the human ladies. The women, in return do likewise; Female dwarves often shave their beards to look more human-like, and human women will braid their own hair in dwarven styles.

Climate & Terrain: Four seasons, cold snowy winters, mountainous with deciduous forests.
Capital City: Dawnstorm
Major Cities: Ironclad, Portus Vectis
Population: 2,800,000
Type of Government: Senatorial Province under the rule of the Iron Empire
Current Ruler(s): “Proconsul” Mandel
Main Industries: Agriculture, Mining, Crafting
Key Exports: Wheat, Iron, Copper, Olive Oil
Key Imports: Wine, Embroidery, Salt, Perfumes
Religion: Baarus, Sygil Ryva, Taverna
Size of Armed Forces: 5,500 Infantry, 400 Calvary, 12 Battle Mages “Exor II Ursus”
Key Military Commanders: General Lucius Pupius Tullas
Allies:Iron Empire
Rivals/Enemies: Azir, Sloda Kingdom, Doma
Holidays & Festivals: Day of the Harvest, Founders’ Day, Festival of the Golden Leaves

Ille De Mor

Set just off the coast to the south of the Iron Empire, Ille De Mor is a large island filled with corruption. A haven for rogues throughout the area, it became less and less patrolled by the Legions in the surrounding area. While the Iron Empire lays claim to it, the island is typically left to govern itself, as its corruption is one of the empire’s open secrets. Many races find their home on Ille De Mor, seeking to claw their way up the chaotic ladder of power.

Climate & Terrain: Humid & stormy, rocky coastlines.
Capital City: Swordbreak
Major Cities: Deathfall
Population: 900,000
Type of Government: Senatorial Province under the rule of the Iron Empire
Current Ruler(s):Disputed
Main Industries: Crime, Mining
Key Exports: Timber, Exotic Animals, Ale, Mead, Sugar
Key Imports: Dried Meats, Tea, Coffee
Religion: Biagi, Hemus, Thulous, Sygil
Size of Armed Forces: 500 Infantry, 800 Mercenaries.
Key Military Commanders: Decius
Rivals/Enemies: Azir, Naku, Sloda Kingdom
Holidays & Festivals: Festival of the Long Night


Located along the southern coast of the Iron Empire, Nerripi is a beautiful country known for its stunning coastlines and clear sunny skies. Warm air comes up from the sea, making the country an ideal place for the rich members of the empire to set up lavish lifestyles in extravagant villas. Wineries are quite common, and the hills are home to many vineyards.

Its large population is made up of 95% humans, a high percentage compared to the rest of the empire. Players from this area may be used to lavish lifestyles, or from a noble family within the iron empire.

Climate & Terrain: Hot, dry summers, and mild winters
Capital City: Barcetela
Major Cities: Togo, Torbella
Population: 2,200,000
Type of Government: Senatorial Province under the rule of the Iron Empire
Current Ruler(s): “Proconsul” Penelope
Main Industries: Agriculture
Key Exports: Wine, Grapes, Gold, Rubies
Key Imports: Pottery, Glassware, Silk
Religion: Baarus, Biagi, Ryva, Sygil
Size of Armed Forces: 4,000 Infantry, 600 Cavalry, 12 Battle Mages “Exor IIII Pluvia”
Key Military Commanders: General Titus Sabellius
Allies: Iron Empire
Rivals/Enemies: Azir, Sloda Kingdom
Neutral Stances: Naku, Hamrath, Ille De Mor
Holidays & Festivals: Day of the Harvest, Founders’ Day, Festival of the Long Night

Kull Eg

The northern half of the Sloda Kingdom, Kull Eg's population is split between the rocky ashen wasteland surface, and the subterranean cave systems below. Battles and bloodshed are the lifestyles of its denizens, and might makes right is their mindset. Deep underground, captured prisoners are forced to work in dangerous mines, extracting iron, gold, and precious gems. Far beneath the surface, the denizens of Kull Eg speak of nameless monsters; horrific creatures that drive men to madness merely by gazing upon them.

Players from Kull Eg will no doubt be hardened from the harsh lifestyle of the ruthless country

Climate & Terrain: Harsh, rocky, mountainous terrain. Perpetually cloudy and filled with fog and ash.
Capital City: Dhol Kuldor
Major Cities: Zabroz, Oshbagh
Population: 14,000,000
Type of Government: Monarchy
Current Ruler(s): Vorgar Bloodfist, Warlord Zogrun
Main Industries: Forging, Smithing
Key Exports: Weapons & Armor
Key Imports: Wheat, Barley, Herd Animals
Religion: Fulgin, Olympia, Mallabog, Hemus
Size of Armed Forces: 250,000 Infantry, 10,000 monsters, 8,000 cavalry organized by different warlords into armies of differing sizes.
Key Military Commanders: Warlord Zogrun
Iron Empire, Azir, Kull Or
Holidays & Festivals: The Blood Moon, Day of Hunting, many unnamed feasts.


Staunchly neutral, Xecar is a grand country that prides itself on its trade, and large mercenary army. Xecar boasts the title as the grandest exporter of fine wines in all of Ferrum. Players from Xecar may feel like the problems of the surrounding area are beneath them, unless enough gold is involved. Mercenaries from all over find jobs in the armies of Xecar, becoming organized into battalions and sent around the Bottomless Bay, fighting off Orcs or other countries as requested.

Climate & Terrain: Hot, dry summers, and mild winters
Capital City: Tolelava
Major Cities: Palonia, Outiva
Population: 3,400,000
Type of Government: Monarchy
Current Ruler(s): King Guy Filip
Main Industries: Agriculture, Crafting
Key Exports: Wine, Olive Oil, Silk, Jewelry, Carpets, Coffee, Armor, Weapons
Key Imports: Timber, Stone, Nuts, Woolen Cloth
Religion: Biagi, Taverna, Typhenus, Ky’Luna
Size of Armed Forces: 20,000 Mercenaries, 1,000 Infantry
Key Military Commanders: Commander Lucian
Allies: Uscaria, Eschoica (political alliance through marriage)
Rivals/Enemies: Sloda Kingdom
Neutral Stances: Esmana, Azir, Iron Empire
Holidays & Festivals: Day of the Ancestors, Festival of the Moon, Day of the Market, Festival of the Seven Winds

Holidays & Festivals

Cider Day: Celebrating the apple harvest, townspeople come together to press apples, drink fresh cider, and enjoy apple-themed games and competitions.

Day of Champions: A grand tournament where the best fighters from across the land compete in various combat disciplines, including sword fighting, jousting, and archery. The winner is crowned Champion of the Realm for the year.

Day of the Harvest: Honoring the town’s farmers, with a day off from work, feasting on the harvest, and the crowning of the best harvester as “King/Queen of the Fields.”

Festival of the Long Night: Held on the winter solstice, this festival involves lighting candles and torches to chase away the darkness, symbolizing hope for the return of the sun.

Founder’s Day: A day to honor the founding of the Iron Empire, with reenactments of the founding events, a military parade, and speeches by local leaders.

Midwinter Feast: Held around the coldest point of winter, this festival involves a great feast, bonfires, and storytelling to bring warmth and cheer to the darkest days of the year.

Night of the Veil: A night-long festival where the boundaries between the living and the dead are thinnest, allowing spirits to walk among the living. It is both a celebration and a time of caution.

Night of the Witches: A magical festival where witches and wizards showcase their powers, with potion brewing contests, spell demonstrations, and a midnight broomstick race.

The Great Hunt: Commemorating a legendary hunt that saved the country from a horrible beast of legend 1500 years ago, this festival features hunting contests, archery games, and a grand feast of game meats.

The Queen’s Ascension: A week-long celebration commemorating the Queen's rise to power. It is marked by grand ceremonies, magical duels, and displays of dark power.