Inborn Skills

These are passive abilities that your character may start with. You choose one Inborn skill when you first create your character, in order to add a unique twist to your PC

Bruiser: Your swings cleave through foes with ease, you may increase your damage calls by 1 while you attack with any melee weapon, your damage cap is increased from 4 to 5.

Child of Fire: Magical exposure to the elemental forces has left you resistant to fire damage. Any fire damage calls against you are reduced to 1. Also, any fire damage calls by you are increased by 1.

Child of the Storm: Magical exposure to the elemental forces has left you resistant to Lightning damage. Any lightning damage calls against you are reduced to 1, and lightning damage cannot make you Bleed Out.

Child of the Serpent: Sometime in your past, Serpentine influence has magically changed your blood. You have a natural resistance to Acid damage, reducing all incoming Acid calls down to 1. You also cannot be affected by any Poison conditions.

Fae Protection: The magic of the Fae courses through you. Magic spells cannot charm you or put you to sleep. Your Max MP increases by 1.

Great Fortitude: Your body is naturally healthier and stronger than most. Your max HP increases by 1, and your HP cap is increased from 4 to 5.

Magical Spring: The weave of Magic flows within your body, increasing your Max MP by 2 whenever you level, until you reach level 3, while still capped at 20

Medium: Undead spirits cannot hide from your magical eyes. You can sense the presence of undead around you, even when they are invisible or Wind. To use this, simply point at an NPC and say you are sensing for undead. This does not allow you to attack invisible undead.

Natural Talent: No skill is beyond your reach. You gain 4 extra Skill Points at lvl 1.

Tough Skin: Your skin is naturally tougher than those softies around you. While not wearing any armor, you naturally have 1 point of Armor that covers your entire body. This point of armor is broken by any damage but soaks up any excess damage that may have damaged your HP (so 1 Damage or 5 Damage will be treated the same). This ‘Armor’ is restored at the top of every hour.

General Skills

These skills are usually a good idea for most players to dip into, no matter what they specialize in, or when you’re not sure what else to spend skill points on!

Diagnose: Allows you to touch a player and find out their current health, lost limbs, and any negative status effects that are affecting them. To use this skill, place your hand on the willing target, and say “Diagnosing”

First Aid: Allows you to use bandages or tourniquets to stabilize a player who is “Bleeding Out” This process takes one minute of Role-Play, started when you say you are “Applying First Aid”, which resets if interrupted for any reason. Basic cloth props are needed for bandages, which can be strips of cloth, or your own garb (Taking a shirt off and wrapping it around the target)

Surgery: To use this skill, you must have a prop to symbolize your set of medical tools. These can include needles, prongs, a small saw, scalpel, or others. They can be made of foam, rubber, plastic, or wood. This skill allows you to heal damaged limbs of another player. This takes 1 minute of Roleplay utilizing your medical tools, and both of your hands must be free of weapons. The target cannot be in active combat (Attacking or being targeted by attacks) and the process is interrupted if they become under attack or move away.
Additionally, you may cure the target of a Disease or Poison status effect, at the cost of 1 HP from that target. If they do not have at least 1 HP, you cannot remove poisons or diseases in this manner.

Second Wind: Once per day, you may roleplay taking a deep breath for five seconds, and recover up to your maximum HP. Say “I Recover # HP” while exhaling. REMEMBER: You may not use this skill to recover lost limbs, or to bring yourself back from Bleeding Out.

Item Lore: Allows you to look up an Item’s tag in the Compendium to discover what the item is. Not all items may be learned about in this fashion. Game Masters have access to the Compendium, and will provide a link to you.

Monster Lore: Allows you to look at the Stat Block of a Slain Monster. This is a piece of paper that the monsters have on their person. You may ask slain Monster NPCs what the name of the monster is to help with this. You may ask living monsters if they are a type of monster that you have studied before (Say “Monster Lore: Are you a Troll?”)

Harvesting: Allows you to harvest plants from the wild without risking any injury. You may also ask slain monsters if you can harvest them for different monster parts, such as scales or blood. A container prop is required to harvest anything. To Harvest a plant, pick up the plant prop and bring it to Logistics. To Harvest a monster, tell the corpse that you want to harvest it.)

Read Magics: Allows you to translate the arcane language of Scrolls, so that you may cast them or add them to your approved Spellbook. See Logistics when you gain this skill for the translation paper.

Combat Skills

These skills focus on your martial abilities; Weapons, Armor, and Health. Anyone looking to swing a sword around and live to tell the tale should spend some skill points here! “

NOTE: A player may only have a maximum of 2 “Fighting Styles”

Health Boost (1/2/3/4): Increases your maximum HP by 1 each time you increase this skill. By default, a character’s HP Maximum is capped at 5 after upgrading these skills.

Melee Damage Expertise/Superiority/Mastery: When you upgrade these skills, your maximum damage call for melee weapon attacks may be increased to 2 (Expertise), 3 (Superiority), or 4 (Mastery). You may still choose to call lower damage numbers at any point as well. Each tier requires the tier before it to be learned.

Fighting Style "Staff": Your damage calls when attacking with a staff or other Blunt weapon are no longer required to be “Blunt” and may instead be whatever your usual melee damage would be, up to a Strict Maximum of 2.

Fighting Style "Armored": While wearing any armor, you gain an additional point of armor to your armor pool. Your armor pool cap is increased from 5 to 6.

Juggernaut: While wearing metal armor that covers all four limbs and your chest, you gain resistance to normal damage calls from ordinary weapons. This resistance causes all normal calls against you to be reduced to 1. You need the “Armored” Fighting Style before you can gain this skill

Fighting Style "Dual Wielding": Your damage call cap on melee weapon attacks while wielding a melee weapon in both hands is increased from 2 to 4.

Fighting Style "Throwing": Your damage call when throwing Knives and Javelins is now the same as if you were to make a melee attack with that weapon.

Fighting Style "Great Weapon": Your melee attack damage calls, as well as your maximum damage cap while wielding a 48” or longer weapon in two hands are increased by 1.

Fighting Style "Shield": Your damage call cap on melee weapon attacks, while wielding a shield in one hand and a melee weapon in the other, is increased from 2 to 4.

Shield Smash: You may swing your shield outward towards an opponent as a “Blunt” Damage call. This damage call cannot be increased, and must be Blunt. You need the “Shield” Fighting Style before you can gain this skill.

Fighting Style "Short Weapon": While wielding one melee weapon that is between 12” and 28” long in one hand, you may replace a melee attack damage call with a “Disarm” call. A fighter struck in the arm with a Disarm call must drop whatever was held in that hand. A Disarm call has no effect when striking a leg or torso. The same fighter cannot be Disarmed more than once by this skill per day.

Dirty Fighting: While wielding one melee weapon that is between 12” and 28” long in one hand, you may replace a melee attack damage call with a “Hamstring” Call against a target’s legs. Additionally, if you have an empty off-hand, you may throw a spell-bag prop at a target for “Blind 3 Seconds”. The same target cannot be Blinded more than once by this. You need the “Short Weapon” Fighting Style before you can gain this skill.

Sneak Attack: Your melee weapon attack damage calls against targets that are “Sleeping” “Paralyzed” “Confused” or “Blinded” are automatically 5. You need the “Short Weapon” Fighting Style before you can gain this skill.

Fighting Style "Unarmored Evasion": If you are not wearing any armor, catching a spell bag or a throwing knife counts as that bag or knife missing you.

Fighting Style "Archery": Your ranged attack damage calls from Arrows and Crossbow Bolts is increased from 2 to 3. You may also replace a damage call with a “Hamstring” call.

Fighting Style “Rage”: While not wearing any armor, you may let out a mighty guttural yell for 5 seconds. After doing so, you become “Enraged” for 1 Minute. While “Enraged” you are resistant to all damage calls except Psychic, as well as Immune to Fear. Your damage calls increase by 1, up to a Maximum of 5 when applicable. You may not cast spells of ANY kind while “Enraged”. After the minute ends, you must roleplay being exhausted for roughly 5 minutes to regain your composure. You can utilize this Fighting Style effect a number of times per day, equal to half your level, rounded down, with a minimum of 1 use per day.

Crafting & Production Skills

Crafting & Production allows you to bring in new Props or alter existing props. Anyone who wishes to dabble in Alchemy or Smithing, whether it be your character’s sole identity, or just as a bonus, will find these skills invaluable. See the “Crafting” section in the Resources tab for more in depth information!

Forging Novice: Allows the player to repair Non-Magical, “Basic” armor, as well as upgrade Standard weapons to "Silver" infused weapons. The standard cost of repairing armor is 5 Aurums (Coins) or 1lbs of Iron. The standard cost of Silvering a weapon is 50 Aurums or 1lbs of Silver

Forging Expert: Allows the player to craft Non-magical exotic weapons made of strange materials that can deal different types of damage. A special tag is added to the weapon to denote its exotic properties.

Forging Master: Allows the player to Craft & Repair “Masterwork” Non-Magical Weapons, which deal 1 extra point of damage, regardless of who holds them. A special tag is added to the weapon to denote its Fine Craftsmanship. Sufficient materials are needed.

Magical Crafting Novice: Allows the crafting of tier 1 Magical Items.

Magical Crafting Expert: Allows the crafting of tier 2 Magical Items.

Magical Crafting Master: Allows the crafting of tier 3 Magical Items.

Alchemy Novice: Allows the brewing of tier 1 Potions and Poisons.

Alchemy Expert: Allows the brewing of tier 2 Potions and Poisons.

Alchemy Master: Allows the brewing of tier 3 Potions and Poisons.

Artificing Novice: Allows the creation of tier 1 Traps & Devices.

Artificing Expert: Allows the creation of tier 2 Traps & Devices.

Artificing Master: Allows the creation of tier 3 Traps & Devices.

Inborn Magic

While there are many paths to learning spells, Inborn magic is the most direct way. By choosing these skills directly on your character sheet at any level, you can unlock your own magical potential. Characters who only utilize this form of Magic are generally known as Sorcerers.

To utilize any of these spells, you must have sufficient MP, as well as your own custom, 5 syllable long, verbal component that you announce when casting a spell. This verbal component may be anything you wish, as long as it is fitting the theme of the spell(s) you are casting, and approved by a GM. Approval requires you to simply write it down and get a GM’s approval signature. You may combine Verbal components into one flavorful recital, provided the syllables are 5 for each spell built into it, and you have enough MP for all the combined spells.

Example Verbal Components:

“Manifest Magic!”: Five Syllables for “Manifest Magic”

“I draw forth my power!” Six Syllables for “Manifest Magic”

“My Blood Creates Flame!” Five Syllables for “Imbue Flame”

“May the Power of the Dragon Burn you!” Ten Syllables for “Manifest Magic + Imbue Flame” Combined.

“The Flames Continue!” Five Syllables for “Mold Magic: Repeating x3

Manifest Magic: (MP Cost: 1) Allows you to add one Manifested Spell Bag to your hand, which may be thrown for “1 Magic” Damage. This bag must be thrown within 10 seconds or else it will dissipate harmlessly from your hand. Manifest Magic is required for any of the other skills below to have any use, as they will all affect your Manifested Spell Bags.

Imbuing: These skills change the elemental damage associated with a held manifested bag. Useful for getting around certain immunities or resistances, They also increase the damage call by 1 to 2 by default.

Imbue Element: Flame: (MP Cost: 1) Changes the damage call of a Manifested Spell Bag to “2 Fire”. This doesn’t reset the time duration in which it must be thrown. Example Usage: “Manifest Magic” followed by “Imbue Element Flame” Spending 2 MP total for 2 Fire damage

Imbue Element: Lightning: (MP Cost: 1) Changes the damage call of a Manifested Spell Bag to “2 Lightning”. This doesn’t reset the time duration in which it must be thrown.

Imbue Element: Acid: (MP Cost: 1) Changes the damage call of a Manifested Spell Bag to “2 Acid”. This doesn’t reset the time duration in which it must be thrown.

Molding: These skills enhance the held spell bag in different ways, allowing for more efficient MP usage.

Mold Magic: Extra Damage: (MP Cost: 1) Adds 1 damage to a Manifested Spell bag that would deal at least 1 damage already. This damage is capped at 5. This doesn’t reset the time duration in which it must be thrown.

Mold Magic: Greater Damage: (MP Cost: 2) Adds 3 damage to a Manifested Spell bag that would deal at least 1 damage already. This damage is capped at 5. This doesn’t reset the time duration in which it must be thrown.
Example Usage: “Manifest Magic” followed by “Imbue Element Flame” then “Mold Magic Greater Damage”. Spending 4 MP total for 5 Fire damage

Mold Magic: Scatter Spell (3): (MP Cost: 2) Turns a single held Manifested Spell Bag into Three of them. This doesn’t reset the time duration in which they must be thrown. The Spell Bags must all be thrown at the same time.

Mold Magic: Scatter Spell (6): (MP Cost: 3) Turns a single held Manifested Spell Bag into Six of them. This doesn’t reset the time duration in which they must be thrown. The Spell Bags must all be thrown at the same time.

Mold Magic: Repeating Spell x2: (MP Cost: 2) Within 10 seconds after throwing One or Multiple Manifested Spellbag(s) You may throw the exact same amount with the same call once more without spending additional MP. Any repeated Manifested Spell Bags must be thrown within 10 seconds from the last thrown ones, or else they will dissipate from your hand harmlessly.

Mold Magic: Repeating Spell x3: (MP Cost: 3) Within 10 seconds after throwing One or Multiple Manifested Spellbag(s) You may cast this spell extension throw the exact same amount with the same call twice more without spending additional MP. Any repeated Manifested Spell Bags must be thrown within 10 seconds from the last thrown ones, or else they will dissipate from your hand harmlessly.
Example Usage: “Manifest Magic” -> “Imbue Element Flame” -> “Mold Magic: Greater Damage” -> “Mold Magic: Repeating Spell x3” will spend a total of 7 MP to throw 3 Spell Bags, at different targets one after another, for 5 fire damage each! Each subsequent cast of “Repeating Spell” only costs 3 MP and allows you to continue throwing those “5 Fire” Spell Bags Twice more as long as 10 seconds hasn’t passed from your previous throw.

“Scatter” is meant as a spread-shot imbuement, while “Repeating” is meant as a machine gun!

Imbue Status: Sleep: (MP Cost: 2) Changes the call of a held Manifested Spell bag into “Sleep 1 minute”. This deals no damage and does not reset the time duration in which it must be thrown.

Imbue Status: Silence: (MP Cost: 2) Changes the call of a held Manifested Spell bag into “Silence 1 minute”. This deals no damage and does not reset the time duration in which it must be thrown.

Imbue Status: Blind: (MP Cost: 2) Changes the call of a held Manifested Spell bag into “Blind 10 Seconds”. This deals no damage and does not reset the time duration in which it must be thrown.

Imbue Status: Freeze: (MP Cost: 4) Changes the call of a held Manifested Spell bag into “Freeze 1 Minute”. This deals no damage and does not reset the time duration in which it must be thrown.

Mold Magic: Touch <-> Range: (MP Cost: 0) Changes the range of a Manifested Spell Bag from thrown to touch, or vice-versa. While a Manifested Spell has a range of touch, you do not require a spell bag in your hand, but the time limit is still in effect.

Mold Magic: Cure Status: (MP Cost: 1) Removes a status effect from a Touched target. The status removed is dependent on the Status Imbued into the Manifested Spell.
Example Usage: “Manifest Magic” -> “Imbue Status: Freeze” -> “Mold Magic: Touch” -> “Mold Magic: Cure Status” allows you to touch a frozen target, curing them.

Mold Magic: Protection: (MP Cost: 2) Grants Resistance to a Damage Type to a Touched target. Resistance causes any damage calls of that type to be reduced to 1. The Damage Resistance granted is dependent on the Element Imbued into the Manifested Spell.

Mold Magic: Hold Duration: (Passive Ability, no Verbal component or MP Needed) Automatically increases the duration that a Manifested Spell Bag may be held from 10 seconds to 5 minutes.