Azir Kingdom

The Founding of Azir (0 FA): The Azir Kingdom was founded nearly five millennia ago by the legendary sorcerer-king Aziral the Great. Seeking to create a unified realm where magic and knowledge could flourish, Aziral united the warring tribes and city-states of the eastern continent through a combination of diplomacy, magical prowess, and military might. The capital city of Azir was established as the heart of this new kingdom, a center of learning and mystical power.

The Era of Expansion (0-500 FA): Under the early kings and queens of Azir, the kingdom rapidly expanded its borders. Conquests were conducted with both military force and strategic marriages, bringing neighboring territories into the fold. The conquered regions lost their previous borders and identities, becoming integrated parts of the growing kingdom. This era saw the establishment of many arcane academies and libraries, solidifying Azir's reputation as a hub of magical knowledge.

The Golden Age (500-1500 FA): The next thousand years marked a Golden Age for the Azir Kingdom. Prosperity and stability allowed for advancements in magic, science, and the arts. Grand architectural projects were undertaken, including the construction of the Grand Library of Azir and the Mage Towers. Trade flourished, and Azir became a cultural and intellectual beacon, attracting scholars and mages from distant lands.

The Shadow Wars (1500-2000 FA): The peace of the Golden Age was shattered by the Shadow Wars, a series of devastating conflicts against the Bharegu, demonic entities from "Beyond the Veil," the plane of existence where most spirits go when they die. These malevolent beings sought to invade the mortal realm, driven by a hunger for chaos and destruction. The Bharegu unleashed their dark forces upon the kingdom, leading to brutal battles and widespread devastation. The wars were fought with both martial might and powerful magic, as the kingdom's mages and warriors united to repel the infernal threat. Despite the chaos, the kingdom remained unified under the strong leadership of its monarchs and the valor of its defenders. The wars ended with the sealing of the rifts that allowed the Bharegu to enter the mortal realm, but at great cost to the kingdom's population and resources.

The Renaissance of Magic (2000-3000 FA): Following the Shadow Wars, the kingdom experienced a renaissance in magical research and innovation. New schools of magic were developed, and previously lost knowledge was rediscovered. The Azir Kingdom invested heavily in restoring its cities and infrastructure, as well as in strengthening its magical defenses. This period also saw the formalization of the kingdom’s calendar, with the Founding of Azir (FA) as the standard starting point.

The Age of Diplomacy (3000-4000 FA): As the Azir Kingdom continued to grow, it shifted its focus from conquest to diplomacy. Relations with neighboring powers, including the Iron Empire, became more complex. Diplomatic marriages, treaties, and trade agreements were used to maintain peace and expand influence. The kingdom's borders remained fluid, with conquered territories losing their previous identities and becoming fully integrated into Azir.

The Current Era (4000-4965 FA): Today, the Azir Kingdom stands as a unified, sprawling realm with no internal country borders. The current year is 4965 FA, and the kingdom is ruled by Queen Vafrah a wise and powerful Cthonic monarch. Under her reign, the kingdom has continued to thrive, balancing its rich heritage with modern advancements. However, tensions with the Iron Empire to the west have grown, as both powers expand their territories and vie for influence. Recently the Iron Empire has annexed a region from the Azir Kingdom, the area known as Esmana. Tensions are high as armies are lined up across the borders of both kingdoms, waiting to see if war will break out.

Garb Guidelines for the Azir Kingdom

General Guidelines:

  • Materials: Use light, breathable fabrics such as cotton and linen for desert regions and wool or leather for cooler mountainous areas.

  • Colors: Favor bright, vibrant colors such as yellows, oranges, greens, and blues, along with earthy tones like sandy beiges and browns.

  • Accessories: Incorporate fantasy-inspired jewelry, belts, and headgear that do not directly mimic real-world cultural items.

Specific Garb for Different Roles:

1. Nobles and Officials

  • Clothing:

    • Long, flowing robes and tunics with intricate, original patterns.

    • Embroidered tunics and kaftans with fantasy-inspired designs.

  • Headgear:

    • Turbans or wide-brimmed hats with decorative, non-specific elements.

    • Head wraps or scarves in vibrant colors.

  • Footwear:

    • Leather sandals or soft, pointed shoes.

  • Accessories:

    • Ornate belts and jewelry with abstract designs.

2. Warriors and Guards

  • Armor:

    • Light leather armor with metal plates and original fantasy motifs.

    • Protective vests made from thick, durable fabrics.

  • Clothing:

    • Tunics and trousers in earthy tones, suitable for both desert and mountain terrains.

    • Cloaks or capes for protection against the elements.

  • Headgear:

    • Simple, fantasy-inspired head wraps or helmets.

  • Footwear:

    • Sturdy leather boots or sandals.

  • Accessories:

    • Sashes and belts with original designs.

3. Merchants and Artisans

  • Clothing:

    • Comfortable tunics and trousers made from light cotton or linen.

    • Vests or overcoats with colorful, original embroidery.

  • Headgear:

    • Head wraps or small caps for sun protection.

  • Footwear:

    • Leather sandals or simple shoes.

  • Accessories:

    • Belts with pouches for carrying tools and goods.

    • Beaded necklaces and bracelets.

4. Civilians

  • Clothing:

    • Simple robes, tunics, and trousers made from breathable fabrics.

    • Kaftans or djellabas with fantasy-inspired designs.

  • Headgear:

    • Head wraps, scarves, or simple hats.

  • Footwear:

    • Sandals or lightweight shoes.

  • Accessories:

    • Minimal jewelry, often handmade with non-specific patterns.

5. Wizards

  • Clothing:

    • Elaborate robes with abstract symbols and patterns.

    • Tunics and cloaks made from natural fabrics.

  • Headgear:

    • Decorated head wraps or headdresses with feathers and beads, avoiding specific cultural designs.

  • Footwear:

    • Soft leather sandals or barefoot with protective anklets.

  • Accessories:

    • Staffs adorned with charms and fantasy symbols.

    • Necklaces, bracelets, and rings with non-specific patterns.


The Iron Empire


Sloda Kingdom