
When a dark servant of the Bharegu breeds with a Human, the result is known as a Balen, a dark mix of the two species. Looking mostly humanoid except with very obviously fiendish traits, Balen are recognized by any of the following physical attributes: Horns, Hooves, a tail, pure black or red eyes, a forked tongue, bat wings, and skin hues ranging across the rainbow. Not every Balen has all of these traits, but all of them have at least two. The general population across the Material Plane generally treats such individuals with varying responses. Although some cities wouldn’t bat an eye at Balen, others are openly hostile towards them, while most treat them with an air of suspicion.

Four varieties of Balen may be played, each parented by a different type of Bharegu: Cambion, Succubus/Incubus, Minotaur, Mambali. All are still known as Balen, and have a mix of physical Balen traits depending on their Bharegu genetics.

Cambion Parentage

Children of Cambions typically have bright Red or Purple skin, as well as large elaborate horns. In addition to any other physical attributes, they also always smell of Sulfur.

Succubus/Incubus Parentage

Children of Succubi or Incubi almost always have bright pink glowing eyes, and large bat-like wings. In addition to any of their other physical traits, they always smell of Lavender.

Minotaur Parentage

Children of Minotaurs, also called Furies, always have large bull-like horns, and fur-covered hooves. In addition to any other physical attributes, Furies always smell of fresh blood.

Mambali Parentage

Human and Mambali Hybrids always have subtle green scales across their bodies, and their horns appear as small spikes across their bodies. These Balen never have hooves, and always smell of Acid.


Half Orc

