
Elves were once Humans that accidentally opened up a portal to the elemental worlds millenia ago, and were reformed into spiritual beings in those worlds. In recent times, those portals have reopened, and Elves returned through them, forever changed by their intense magical eternity on a different plane. Their hair and eyes are always bright and colorful, with incredibly vibrant hues ranging across the rainbow. Their ears are long and pointed, and their bodies often have magically glowing marks upon them. It is not impossible to see an Elf with a pair of magical wings, but those are very rare.

When you think about the world of Ferrum, the thoughts that cross your mind might be the planet itself, and the myriad of creatures that inhabit it. To explain what Ferrum actually IS however, involves an understanding of its innately magical nature. Everything that exists on this planet, what makes up this Material existence, or Plane, is the result of a multiversal, quantum crossroads of different planes of existence. Different pseudo worlds, magical mirrors of Ferrum that occupy the same space and time, yet exist in different realities. All of which pour forth their energies together to create what we call reality. It is from these magical outer planes that the Elves arrive.

In their true form, before coming to the Material Plane of Ferrum, Elves do not look or seem anything like you might recognize when you see one in real life. On the Material Plane, they seem mostly human like, yet with otherworldly, almost alien beauty about them. They often have very bright skin tones, which can range from metallic bronzes and silvers, to bright blues, or deep greens. Generally shorter and slimmer than an average human, and with a pair of pointed ears. Yet in the plane that they originated from, that same Elf would have looked incredibly different. Their very existence having been tied to the pseudo state of real yet not real, they are the incarnation of whatever element is linked to their home plane. Namely those of Fire, Water, Earth, and Air, elves are manifestations of that pure energy, given immortal life to inhabit their magical realms. No one quite knows exactly how long ago the first elves came into being. Some scholars theorize that ancient human precursors discovered ancient magics that transported them into these realms about 300,000 years ago, ripping their bodies apart and fusing their souls with the plane’s energies around them. There is no concrete evidence to support such claims however.

To say that an Elf lives forever on its home plane, is in itself a bit of a misleading statement, as their existence is not truly considered living. What they experience is merely an echo of a life. Due to their lack of a body and brain, they are unable to properly feel emotions, or experience other senses. Gathered together in communities that cannot fully attain their goals, Elves in their home realm long for the opportunity to enter into the material plane where they form their own bodies out of their sheer will power. There are moments of tumultuous magic that can occur where a portal opens up, joining different planes together for a brief moment in time, allowing elven spirits to pour through, which they happily do. Drawn towards the desire to fully experience a life, even at the cost of their prior immortality. They still end up living much longer than an average human, with the oldest living elf being about 300 years old before dying of age-related issues. Due to their magical nature, elves are very capable spell casters, having the immense amount of time needed to learn to become a wizard, or even the innate magical power of a sorcerer.

Elven bodies that exist in the Material Plane are every bit as real as humans, and the two races can even mate together, creating Half-Elves, which share a mix of the qualities of both their human and elven parentage. A half-elf can outlive their human parent, as they grow to be about 200 years old on average. There are a total of four different subspecies of Elves, which originate from different planes of existence. Elves of different subraces can also interbreed, usually resulting in the child taking after the mother in most aspects. No matter how close they reach to looking like full humans, their pointed elven ears and intense magical eye colorings will always give away their otherworldly origin. This eye coloring is dependent on the elemental plane that they arrived from.

A group of Pyrrin


Pyrin Elves hail from the Elemental Plane of Fire, a burning hellscape mirror to the material plane. They have bright orange, red, or yellow hair that seems to float in the air like a torch. A Pyrin’s irises always appear as though you are staring into a brightly burning furnace. To play your character as a Pyrrin, you must have bright red, orange, yellow, or white hair in addition to your pointed elf ears. You may wear a wig or dye your hair to achieve one of these colors. Your appearance should invoke fiery thoughts of the elemental plane of Flames.


Zephyn Elves hail from the Elemental Plane of Air. A chaotic world where all the land has been replaced with dense toxic clouds. A Fey that crosses over to the Prime Material Plane has most likely never set foot on solid ground before in their life. Their hair ranges in color from bright silvers, to pure whites, and cloudy grays. Their eyes are like looking into a roaring tempest that is alight with lightning and rolling clouds. To portray yourself as a Zephyn, your hair color must match the choices provided, via a wig or dye in addition to your elven ears. You may also add colored contacts for your eyes. You may also add wings to your costume if you wish for additional flavor.


Aquin Elves that make their way into the material plane originally come from the plane of Water, which exists as a watery mirror to our own world of Ferrum. Everything from lowest of valleys to the highest of mountaintops is covered in miles of pure water, both salt and fresh in different parts of the plane. The Elven spirits that inhabit this pseudo-reality bring their adaptations to their watery lifestyle with them into the prime material plane. Their general appearance consists of pale blue, almost rubbery skin, with hair that ranges from bright blues to sea green colors. Their eyes look to be a still pool of water, which can range in color and seems to swirl based on their emotions. Gills and Fins are not uncommon to find on Aquin Elves as well. To portray yourself as an Aquin, you must have hair that is inspired by the sea such as Blues or Greens in addition to your elven ears, Sea shells or coral designs should be integrated into your character design, and you may add blue contacts if you wish. Gill-like prosthetics are also encouraged.


Adamyn Elves originally spawn in the Elemental Plane of Stone; a rough, barren wasteland version of the material plane. The cold stone environment has caused the Fey that dwell there to adapt to life underground and in rocky terrain. They generally have tough, almost rock-like skin that ranges in color from dark gray to deep brown, and their eyes are always like a portal looking into a deep rich gemstone mine, scattering the light around naturally forming crystals. Playing as an Adamyn Elf requires hair ranging in hues from Green, to dark brown or black in addition to your elven ears. Gemstones of your choosing must be attached to your skin with prosthetic glue

Half Elves

A Half-Elf is what you might expect; when an Elf and a Human have a child together. Their features are much more human-like in appearance, with only smaller pointed ears to give away their elven parentage.

(If you have elf ears but natural hair & eye colors, you are genetically a half-elf)



